Event Calendar

Training: Local Policy & Ordinances for Nature-Based Solutions
The Nature-Based Exchange is holding a one-day training on local policy and ordinances for nature-based solutions. Participants will learn the importance of local policies in creating and maintaining effective nature-based infrastructure and strategies for developing policies that will best facilitate nature-based designs in development and redevelopment opportunities. Participants will also learn how to write and incorporate policies that encourage nature-based principles into city planning and engineering design through course activities and relevant local case studies.

Training: Local Policy & Ordinances for Nature-Based Solutions
The Nature-Based Exchange is holding a one-day training on local policy and ordinances for nature-based solutions. Participants will learn the importance of local policies in creating and maintaining effective nature-based infrastructure and strategies for developing policies that will best facilitate nature-based designs in development and redevelopment opportunities. Participants will also learn how to write and incorporate policies that encourage nature-based principles into city planning and engineering design through course activities and relevant local case studies.

Training: Local Policy & Ordinances for Nature-Based Solutions
The Nature-Based Exchange is holding a one-day training on local policy and ordinances for nature-based solutions. Participants will learn the importance of local policies in creating and maintaining effective nature-based infrastructure and strategies for developing policies that will best facilitate nature-based designs in development and redevelopment opportunities. Participants will also learn how to write and incorporate policies that encourage nature-based principles into city planning and engineering design through course activities and relevant local case studies.

Training: Native Plants, Soils, and Habitat Features
The Nature-Based Exchange is holding a one-day training on native plants, soils, and habitat features. Aimed at practitioners and professionals who design, install, and plan for nature-based projects (including, but not limited to, designers, landscape architects, engineers, and planners), this training seeks to enhance participants’ base knowledge of the living components of nature-based design.
Using a whole-systems approach, lessons will explore best practices for plant, soil, and habitat feature selection, design, construction, management, and maintenance. Case studies will supplement ecological theory, preparing participants with the tools needed to execute their own nature-based projects.

Compendium Celebration
On November 2, 2023 the Nature-Based Exchange will hold a Compendium Celebration at Clemson Design Center in Charleston, SC. This will be a time to celebrate and reflect on all that the Exchange has accomplished thus far while also looking to the future. This will be a drop-in event with drinks and appetizers available. Join us for a night of fun, networking, and learning!

Workshop 7: Design Standards for Natural & Nature-Based Solutions, Part 2
The second workshop in a two-part series on design standards. The discussion will answer three main questions:
What are we teaching?
What are we doing?
How are we doing it?

Workshop 6: Design Standards for Natural & Nature-Based Solutions, Part 1
The sixth Nature-Based Exchange workshop will be the first of two workshops that examine design standards for natural and nature-based solutions (NNBS). This workshop will explore design standards from the perspectives of practitioners and academics. Practitioners will discuss the technical design aspects associated with NNBS projects, including design details, specifications, and source material. They will also discuss best practices and challenges for scaling up this kind of work. Academics will explain what the state of the practice is now and what today's students are being taught in the classroom. They will demonstrate that NNBS are the new standard, not a weird or temporary fad. Through this half-day workshop, participants will accumulate knowledge on NNBS design that can be applied to current and future projects.

Workshop 5: Equity in Natural & Nature-Based Solutions
Join us as we explore the role of equity in natural and nature-based solutions. Led by experts, we'll learn what steps we can take to make nature-based solutions more equitable, what is holding communities back from utilizing nature-based solutions, and what work is being done to enhance a community's capacity and voice. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and participate in breakout groups that promote conversation and actionable steps. Held at the historic Penn Center on St. Helena Island, this workshop aims to educate, inspire, and prepare attendees to better incorporate equity into nature-based projects across South Carolina.

Workshop 4: Funding Natural & Nature-Based Solutions
The fourth Nature-Based Exchange workshop will delve into discussions on funding natural and nature-based solutions. For many, the questions of how to successfully fund a nature-based project are numerous. The goal of this workshop is to clarify some of those burning questions by providing a half-day educational workshop that delves into external and internal funding opportunities. The agenda will be primarily composed of two panel discussions which will reserve plenty of time for Q&A, so come prepared to ask questions!

Workshop 3: Planning for Natural & Nature-Based Solutions
What would it take to get natural and nature-based solutions into plans? This is the guiding question behind the third Nature-Based Exchange workshop. To try and answer this question, the workshop will be split into three parts:
an opening plenary by design experts,
a panel discussion, facilitated by Kasey Henneman of Black & Veatch and composed of planning experts, and
breakout sessions that will diver deeper into several types of plans.

Workshop 2: Common Messaging on Natural and Nature-Based Solutions
The second workshop in our Nature-Based Exchange series will identify common statements aimed to educate and engage different stakeholder groups. The workshop will be facilitated by Theresa McClure and John Mitchell from HDR, Inc. Theresa and John devised an agenda with interactive exercises that will be both thought-provoking and productive and we are grateful for their hard work and expertise!

Workshop 1: Introduction & Overview
The first workshop will serve two purposes: (1) to provide an introduction to NNBS and (2) to solicit input from participants that will inform future workshops in the series.