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Workshop 6: Design Standards for Natural & Nature-Based Solutions, Part 1

  • The Phillips Market Center 117 Ballard Court West Columbia, SC 29172 United States (map)

The sixth Nature-Based Exchange workshop will be the first of two workshops that examine design standards for natural and nature-based solutions (NNBS). This workshop will explore design standards from the perspectives of practitioners and academics. Practitioners will discuss the technical design aspects associated with NNBS projects, including design details, specifications, and source material. They will also discuss best practices and challenges for scaling up this kind of work. Academics will explain what the state of the practice is now and what today's students are being taught in the classroom. They will demonstrate that NNBS are the new standard, not a weird or temporary fad. Through this half-day workshop, participants will accumulate knowledge on NNBS design that can be applied to current and future projects.

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January 18

Workshop 5: Equity in Natural & Nature-Based Solutions

May 17

Workshop 7: Design Standards for Natural & Nature-Based Solutions, Part 2